My Top Online Seed Stores & Plant Nurseries

Special Edition

Hey everyone! Today I want to share my top 10 favorite online seed stores and plant nurseries. Hopefully, you enjoy being able to purchase the plants I talk about in this newsletter!

My passion is connecting people to the natural world, and one of the best ways to do that is to get people to grow plants themselves.

Online Plant Nurseries:

Stark Brother’s has been around for well over a century. They have phenomenal quality bare-root trees, shrubs, and small plants ranging from the classic apples, pears and peaches to the more obscure elderberry, persimmon, and nut trees.

One of my favorite things about Stark is that they have a “Survival Guarantee” for their plants meaning that if a plant dies within the first year, they give a full refund plus extra in store credit!

I have bought multiple trees from them for my grandma, and they have performed very well.

Ison’s is known mostly for their muscadine (a type of southern grape) but they have a good variety of other plants and have many amazing varieties of grapes in particular.

Ison’s has many other perennial plants that are must-haves in a northern food forest like asparagus, rhubarb, and horseradish. They also have plants that Stark does not (like medlars and jujubes).

One Green World is a family-owned plant nursery that stocks an amazing selection of perennial plants for the edible landscape.

I have bought one of their seaberry shrubs (I’ll write an article on them at some point) and it looks very healthy and grows with very little care at all!

I recommend you check out their collection of nitrogen-fixers and companion plants in particular, it isn’t often that I see a nursery offer those in addition to their larger perennials.

Once again boasting a vast collection of edible perennial fruit trees and shrubs, Trees of Antiquity focuses on heirloom fruit trees that have been all but lost to time.

I love the variety they have in what they offer, and I really think there’s something to be said for older varieties. They also include many varieties that Stark does not.

Raintree is another iconic nursery with a good reputation. They are based in the Pacific Northwest, and have a good collection with most varieties being able to handle the Midwest as well. I particularly like the berries they have available!

Seed Companies:

Baker Creek has one of the most impressive collection of heirloom seeds I have ever seen. If you search “tomato” or “cucumber” on their site, I can guarantee you’ll find out how few varieties you’ve seen before! Despite being based in Missouri, they have seeds that do well all over the world and even give out free seed packets with most orders! (Minimum orders apply)

In addition to seeds, they also offer a few plants and slips (potatoes, passionfruit, raspberries, garlic, etc).

Trueleaf is good for bulk seeds, especially sprouting seeds. They have a decent collection, a good reputation, and I’ve bought from them frequently.

I particularly appreciate the germination quality as I’ve never had anything less than perfect germination from them. Other varieties from various seed suppliers can be slow to germinate or just never sprout at all but Trueleaf has very high quality.

Fedco is a great general supplier with a solid collection of variety and good quality. They have any vegetable seed you’d need, bulbs, potatoes, flowers, and even fruit trees and shrubs!

They stand as a very reputable seed company and offer everything from heirlooms, to exotic tubers, to traditional flowers and vegetables.

High Mowing has over 700 heirloom, open-pollinated and hybrid varieties of vegetable, fruit, herb and flower seed. They have been around since the mid-90s and sell a very hardy collection of pretty much any vegetable you need in the garden.

You can buy from them online, or at local retailers.

Seeds For Generations is another family-owned and operated seed business that has amazing heirloom seed varieties of all of the garden classics, as well as elderberry cuttings, live plants, garlic, and more.

I love that they are small and manage to offer such a great selection, as well as provide top-tier quality!

I don’t earn any commission by writing about these companies, I just really appreciate them.

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